As training move to the virtual classrooms, Magnetic MRO Training receives Part-147 Online Training Approval

Magnetic Maintenance

Magnetic MRO Training, an international EASA Part-147 approved type training organization, has received Part-147 Online Training Approval from ECAA and is already performing its first Synchronous Distance Learning in Airbus A320 Type Training. Synchronous Distance Learning means that the theoretical part is done virtually; meanwhile, examination and Practical Training will be done on location at Part-147 approved facility.

As the COVID-19 pandemic has brought in many changes in the aviation industry, in response to the demand for Synchronous Distance Learning has increased drastically. Such course types allow trainees to virtually participate in the theoretical training program and complete course online as well as can be taken even when the travel restrictions are in place. "Since the very beginning of the pandemic we have noticed the increase in demand for online training, and since our main goal is to respond to the needs of the industry, we started working right away to receive this approval. As the whole process took several months, we are happy to finally receive it and already start with the first training," shared Kristiin Koll, a Training Coordinator at Magnetic MRO Training. Miss Koll also added: "Although at the beginning of the year we could not have imagined such demand in online training, now it seems like a "new normal" and has quite some benefits: such courses are flexible, cost less than physical training and allow trainees to adapt training to everyday life – so we are not expecting this trend to end any time soon". This year Magnetic MRO Training, responding to the situation in the industry, has revised its training plan and will put the main focus on Airbus A320 B1/B1&B2 Type Training, Airbus A320NEO LEAP 1A Differences Training, B737NG B1/B1&B2 Type Training and B737NG from B737CL Differences Training.