Magnetic MRO is awarded as "Friend of Interns"

Magnetic Maintenance

Magnetic MRO was awarded by Archimedes Foundation as the friend of foreign interns on May 9, 2018, since the company receives the highest number of interns via Erasmus+ program in Estonia. Archimedes Foundation is an independent body established by the Estonian government with the objective to coordinate and implement different international and national programmes and projects in the field of training, education and research. During the award ceremony, they recognized Magnetic MRO as an exemplary foreign student base. "It was the first time ever that an award with this title is handed out and Magnetic MRO was the first one to receive it. We are genuinely happy and proud to be selected for such milestone." said Haldi Vanatoa, Training Sales Manager at Magnetic MRO. "We strongly believe that well-trained specialists are the backbone of our industry. I am so glad to see that our team is providing a successful training that results in exponential demand from all around the world." Magnetic MRO receives around 20-30 interns annually, both from Estonia and abroad. Main department they would like to work at is our base maintenance, but the company has many interns in office and line maintenance as well.