3 Questions with Aavo Kuus

Magnetic Group

Time to kick off 2020 with another expert Q&A. This time we sat down with Aavo Kuus, Magnetic MRO Sales Manager in charge of Painting, Base and Line Maintenance sales. Learn more about what he thinks are the key elements in providing a high-quality level of service in nowadays MRO. Do you see any trends or shift in need of maintenance and painting services from MMRO clients in the past year? How Magnetic MRO is responding to these changes? In this everchanging world, aviation and aircraft maintenance, in general, is no exception. Old and outdated business models don't necessarily work, and change is inevitable – and we are changing along the way. Maintenance is a considerable part of the aviation industry, and today one of the main changes observed is the growing need for one-stop-shop with the diversified number of services. Customers appreciate if we can add value to their brand and fleet from daily support and tasks to heavy checks, CAMO support, PBH, painting, parts trading, workshops, asset trading and much more. Combining all this know-how and expertise, you have a leg-up and advantage compared to your competition. Customers are looking for long-term partners, not just a short-term vendor to help get over a bump. And Magnetic MRO is a perfect match for such partnerships - our customers are good proof for that: for example, maintenance contracts signed for 3-5 years is becoming more of a standard than exception. It's time-consuming and expensive for airlines and lessors to contract a short time, they are looking a way out and securing slots for years, and companies has to be able to respond to this need. What's the most challenging part of your work? How do you approach these challenges? For many years, the summer season has always been a challenge for heavy maintenance. It's the busiest time flying in Europe, and none of the airlines wants to keep their fleet on the ground, not to mention do any maintenance. This is a very challenging period – and I was told that this is hard, almost impossible, to service all those in need during these peak periods. But with resources we have at Magnetic MRO, challenge accepted! And I was ready to take this challenge turning seasonality into opportunity. I approach such challenges with the attitude "Never lower your target, increase your actions". And it works! What are the most exciting and anticipated plans for 2020 in your department? We are a company that grows very fast, and we are also known brand on the global stage, so I think I will be right to say this for all, that we are looking forward to growing organically and strategically. Due to the number of aircraft and ageing fleet on the market, the demand for maintenance is higher, and we will do utmost to get a more significant piece of a pie. And Line Maintenance is one of the business areas where to invest, and we see huge growth potential at our current and new outstations. Today Magnetic MRO Group Line Maintenance is supporting our customers in 8 countries in Europe (Estonia, Latvia, Denmark, Poland, Norway, Germany, Ireland, The Netherlands) and 4 in Africa (Kenya, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia) and this number is increasing.  And I am very much looking forward to growing with our customers globally in the upcoming year.